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Psychedelic Motherhood


Motherhood as a Psychedelic

Psychedelic means soul revealing. All that reveals our soul is psychedelic. To be a psychedelic mother is to know ourselves whole, share ourselves whole, and it that knowing and sharing, to love ourselves whole. It is too shed the trance of unworthiness, our patriarchal conditioning and masks, anything that is growth our soul inhibiting and to stand it what is true.”

Michaela Carlin

Motherhood is a certainly psychedelic. experience.

Psychedelics can be a profound tool to help women return to the truth of who they are by revealing the layers of wounding, conditioning, falsities, adaptive strategies and illusions. Motherhood can be a similar initiation into truth.

Motherhood is often described as a transformative experience that changes a woman's life forever. Similarly, psychedelic experiences are known for their soul-revealing properties. Both motherhood and psychedelics can challenge us to examine the deepest parts of ourselves, revealing truths we may have hidden or forgotten due to societal conditioning and pressures.

For women, these societal pressures are often deeply ingrained and internalized, and be complete unconscious. Women have been conditioned to hide their emotions and keep a stiff upper lip in the face of adversity. Mothers, in particular, are expected to be perfect caregivers, nurturing, and self-sacrificing at all times. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy and the loss of a sense of self.

The archetype of the mother can also be a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it represents love, nurturing, and compassion. On the other hand, it can be used to justify a woman's subjugation and subservience to her family and society. Women are often expected to conform to certain roles and behaviors, with motherhood being the ultimate expression of this conformity.

This is where psychedelics can come in as a powerful tool for self-exploration and growth. They can help women break free of the societal conditioning that has held them back and reclaim their sense of self. In a similar vein, motherhood can also be a transformative experience that leads to greater self-discovery. A

Just as an eclipse is a momentary blocking of the light, the journey of motherhood can obscure a woman's true self, even as it reveals it. Psychedelics can act as a light that shines through the darkness, illuminating the deepest parts of our psyche and showing us who we truly are.

Motherhood and psychedelics are both illuminating journeys. Both can offer paths to sovereignty and individuation, allowing women to break free from the expectations placed upon them and find their own truth. By embracing the transformative power of both, women can reclaim their sense of self and their place in society, on their own terms.

In conclusion, motherhood and psychedelics can be seen as complementary tools for self-exploration and growth. .

Motherhood is often described as a life-changing experience, but what if it was more than just a simple shift in perspective? What if motherhood is a psychedelic experience, revealing the deepest parts of our souls and bringing us closer to our true selves?

At its core, the psychedelic experience is about breaking down barriers and accessing parts of our psyche that are normally hidden. It’s about confronting the ego and surrendering to the unknown, and in many ways, motherhood is similar. From the moment a child is born, a mother’s sense of self is shattered, as she must confront a new reality that is both beautiful and terrifying.

This initiation into motherhood is not unlike a psychedelic trip, where the mind is opened to new and often overwhelming experiences. It’s a journey that can be filled with joy and wonder, but also fear, pain, and uncertainty. And yet, just as the psychedelic experience can be transformative, so too can motherhood be a catalyst for growth and change.

Like a psychedelic trip, motherhood can break down our preconceived notions of who we are and force us to confront our deepest fears and desires. It can strip away our egos and reveal the parts of ourselves that we may have been hiding from the world. And just as a psychedelic trip can bring a sense of oneness with the universe, so too can motherhood connect us with the primal, instinctual parts of our being.

But perhaps most importantly, both the psychedelic experience and motherhood can lead to a profound sense of love and connection. In the midst of the chaos and uncertainty, there is a deep sense of purpose and meaning that comes with nurturing another human being. It’s a love that can be all-consuming, but also deeply fulfilling.

Of course, it’s important to note that not all mothers have the same experience, and not all psychedelic trips are transformative. But for those who do undergo these journeys, the similarities are striking.

In the end, motherhood is a journey unlike any other, one that can be both beautiful and challenging. And while it may not involve the use of psychoactive substances, it can still be a profound and transformative experience, revealing the deepest parts of our souls and bringing us closer to our true selves.

Motherhood is not only a psychedelic experience but can also be psyche-ecliptic ((soul concealing) for many women.

Our societies and cultures have conditioned women to suppress their emotions, needs, and desires, and to focus solely on the roles and expectations assigned to them as caregivers and nurturers. This conditioning can result in a disconnection from one's own soul and truth, and can make it challenging for mothers to maintain a sense of self and individuality.

This suppression of the self can be even more pronounced for mothers causing a disconnect from themselves, their intuitive being, and ultimate their true ability to nurture from a place of wholeness.,

However, just as psychedelic experiences can be powerful tools for self-discovery and healing, motherhood can also be an initiation into the process of reclaiming one's sovereignty and embracing the journey of individuation.

By navigating the challenges of motherhood with intention and self-awareness, women can tap into the same transformative potential that is available through psychedelic experiences. This may involve exploring one's personal values, boundaries, and desires, enculturation, true nature and finding ways to integrate these into their role as a mother.

Psychedelics can be a powerful to help women and mothers see the layers of enculturation that has harmed them to regain the lost self.

Ultimately, both motherhood and psychedelics can be opportunities for women to connect with their souls and to break free from the conditioning that has kept them hidden and suppressed.

By embracing the psyche-ecliptic nature of motherhood and engaging in intentional self-discovery, women can move towards greater authenticity, empowerment, and fulfillment in their roles as mothers and as individuals


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