My integral approach to wholeness, transformation and life.

My unique approach synthesizes modern science and ancient wisdom, Eastern philosophy and Western depth psychology alongside sacred plant medicine and shamanic ritual to help you heal and integrate mind, body and soul.

in session with a client

I’m Michaela. Welcome to the journey you were born to take.

Many of us lose our connections to our deepest truths through our social, cultural, familial conditioning, as well as, life events or unhealthy relationships. It’s never too late to come home to your True Self. Layer by layer, I work with clients to make the unconscious conscious and move from shadow, pain and isolation to transcendence, healing and belonging. I will help you reclaim and embody your freedom, truth. and your Soul’s innate knowing.

My unique approach to healing and awakening is a combination of years of study,, my own deep work, data-driven science, shamanic practices, Western depth psychology, Eastern philosophy and earth medicine wisdom.

I am a teacher, trained and certified psychedelic facilitator and integration through Being True To You’s Addiction, Recovery and Psycho-Spiritual Transformation Program and Synthesis Psychedelic Facilitation) I holds additional certifications in Reiki, breath-work, fitness, Transcendental Meditation and facilitation at the intersection of spirituality and social justice. And I am A certified coach through heroic.

I have created an eco-social-bio- psycho-spiritual integration program for individuals, families, businesses and communities. What does this mean! We are not separate from our bodies, minds, nature, community and Spirit My healing modalities and integration approach integrates all aspects of who you are.

I do have a focus on the use of psychedelics medicines for healing and transcendence. My grounded approach is inspired by my own deep spiritual inner work and experience, apprenticeships, trainings in IFC (Internal Family Systems), Somatic Experiencing, plant and ancestral wisdom, wellness, embodiment practices .and mindfulness and meditation practices.

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